
45 Essential Personal Trainer Resources

45 Essential Personal Trainer Resources

Utilising personal trainer resources can help turn a good PT into a great one and help you truly stand out from your competitors. We’ve handpicked a list we believe will be most beneficial for your career and clientele. 

Before we begin, if you want to boost your expertise, check out OriGym's extensive list of Level 4 Personal Trainer courses, especially our Sports Nutrition Course. Combine fitness and nutrition to give your clients the best service.

Alternatively, download our FREE prospectus to learn more about the personal training resources we provide as part of our extensive courses.


The Best Personal Training Websites

The internet is always there to help you whenever you’re struggling, which is why you should utilise the following websites as personal training resources.

#1 - Backlinko

Personal Trainer Resource

In modern-day business, the Internet is a highly competitive place, and ranking highly in Google’s algorithm is easier said than done.

This should be a primary goal of any trainer looking to start their own business, as ranking highly on Google can significantly boost traffic to your website and potentially increase your number of clients.

This is where Backlinko’s specialist knowledge of ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ (SEO) comes into play. 

SEO is a term that refers to the process of optimising your content specifically to rank higher on search engines like Google. 

Unfortunately, just the ‘quality’ of your content isn’t enough to succeed in modern online marketing, although it does play a significant role.

You should be utilising personal training tools like Backlinko to ensure that all of your blogs, newsletters, testimonials, and social media pages are all uniquely optimised for SEO purposes. 

Backlinko’s advice is concise and actionable, allowing you to put it straight into practice. So, be sure to take full advantage of this personal training resource and learn from the very best SEO professionals online to date.

#2 – ExRx

Personal Training Resource is possibly the largest compendium of exercises you can find on the internet, making it the perfect personal trainer resource to feature on our list.

At ExRx, you can delve into thousands of exercises for any activity, suitable for any time and location. When it comes to personal training resources this is one you should highly consider utilising, in order to keep your sessions with clients fresh and engaging. 

By incorporating ExRx’s fresh exercises you can ensure that your client retention levels remain at a high level. 

Designing your workouts around some of these new developments and ideas in exercise can ensure you’re able to set clients on the right track towards their SMART goals, as well as maintain a fresh feel with your sessions.

Furthermore, this personal training resource also provides trainers with a database of knowledge on nutrition and anatomy, ensuring that you can keep your mind sharp.

If you ever find yourself struggling with any of the exercises or information provided to you within ExRx, be sure to turn to the Q&A forum, where you can engage with other like-minded trainers.

#3 - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Personal Training Resources Journal of the International Society of Sports

As a personal trainer, knowledge is your greatest tool for success. That’s why the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition is an invaluable personal trainer resource to have at your disposal.  

With access to thousands of case studies, this journal can help to advance your theoretical and practical knowledge of health and fitness. 

Creating a tailored workout experience is one of the primary roles and responsibilities of any personal trainer

Therefore, we advise you to use the case studies to feature within these personal training resources to determine which workouts would be better suited for specific clients.

In short, The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition ensures that PTs have the confidence to succeed within their career. 

From the knowledge acquired through these personal trainer resources, you can revise to stay sharp. 

Remember, your perception impacts upon your reputation in this industry, and if clients believe you lack the credentials to train them, they simply won’t renew your service. 

#4 - Reddit

Resources for Personal Trainers reddit

Reddit is one of the most popular online message boards to date, acting as something of a grab-bag of content, including posts dedicated to trends and questions regarding specific topics. 

Whilst not specifically a personal trainer resource, specific subReddits can still be utilised in order to boost your standing within the fitness community. 

This can be achieved through interacting with posts and other users within the Reddit community. If done correctly, you can amass a large group of followers who will listen to your advice, and respect your input.

Once you have established yourself within specific subReddits you can then start promoting your personal training business. 

We advise against rushing into immediate advertisement, as users may see you to be someone who is only seeking to further themselves, rather than uphold the rest of the community.

Here are some recommended subReddits that we’d recommend that you use as personal training resources:

Remember, giving quality advice on widely-searched queries is a great marketing strategy for personal trainers. Be creative with your digital avenues, and ensure that potential clients can find you in every facet of the internet.

#5 - Expert PT

Personal Trainer Resource Website

It can be a daunting task to start your own coaching website, especially without having any assistance or guidance on the matter. 

If you find yourself in this scenario you should be looking at your competitors, such as ExpertPT for inspiration. See how they present themselves online, and try to see how you can incorporate specific features onto your own site. 

Without plagiarising, of course, you can take away key features to ensure that your site is on par with ExpertPT and fellow competitors.

For instance, ExpertPT has a welcoming video on their homepage, in which head trainer Andy Griffiths introduces himself and explains what 1-to-1 training looks like under his tutelage.

In turn, you could use this personal trainer resource and have your own introduction video. Whilst similar in approach, this would obviously be different, due to the fact that your business model will differ from Andy’s. 

Standing out from the crowd is all about personalisation, so be sure to take sites like these as blueprints only and then build from there. For further advice on how you can attain this, check out our article on the best personal training websites.

#6 - The Body Coach

Resource for Personal Trainer The Body Coach

Similarly, with the Body Coach site, you can get a great idea of how one of the biggest celebrity personal trainers in the UK operates his site.

We advise using Joe Wicks’ personal training resources to your advantage, in order to learn more about how you can market and brand yourself. 

From just one look at the website, we can see how each detail (like its consistent colour scheme, testimonials, and further content) all reflect a synchronised identity.

All of the key information included on The Body Coach is presented on the homepage, ensuring that users who land on it have immediate access to what they need to know. 

When creating a personal trainer website of your own, be sure to follow The Body Coach’s lead and make the information as accessible as possible. 

Regardless of how strong or well presented your personal training resources are, no client will want to sift through page after page of information. 

The Body Coach is also a great personal trainer resource to extract pricing plans from. The site regularly features sales, deals, and exclusive offers, most notably the annual subscription package which costs clients less per year than a typical monthly subscription would.

Therefore, we can say that The Body Coach is an example of one of the best personal training resources that can benefit your overall career and business.

Want to gain access to more useful resources? Why don't you read these articles?

#7 - Google Business

Google My Business Personal Training Website

Google My Business is totally free to use, and is an incredible personal trainer resource that can boost traffic to your business significantly. 

With this tool you can register personal training business to Google, which will prompt it to appear on Google Maps when clients search for suggested PTs within their area. 

For more information on how to use Google My Business as a Personal Trainer, we’ve created a complete, step-by-step guide to establishing your page, and maximising the results you receive from it.

However, in short, you’re able to add your contact information and operating location, allowing potential clients to always find your business. 

You can also adjust your business hours accordingly, and adapt it at any moment should you gain a further qualification, or change your location.

Furthermore, you can also add personal touches to your Google My Business page including photos, logos and any other marketing material you believe will assist you in the advertising process. 

As a personal training resource, Google My Business is ultimately a quick and easy avenue to sell yourself.

#8 - Facebook Business

Facebook Business Manger Personal Trainer Resource

Facebook Business is a hotbed for potential new clients, and paying for ad space on the social media network has never been easier. 

The main benefit of using Facebook Business is that the paid ads automatically target people who are likely to share an interest in your service. This is obtained through an advanced algorithm that tracks users’ online data.

Therefore, we can say that Facebook Business is a great personal training resource, for it’s designed to attract clients who actually want a personal trainer. 

Your ad is specifically targeted, rather than floating around online with no clear demographic or target audience.

With this personal training resource, you also get unprecedented access to performance data from your business account. 

You can see keen insights from your ad performance across different user accounts so that you have a better understanding of how to sell yourself depending on who your ads are reaching.

For a more detailed discussion on this topic, head over to our article detailing how to create a personal trainer Facebook page.

#9 - Examine

Examine Personal Training Resource

Being in the fitness industry, you’ll know that there’s no shortage of supplements out there, from fat-burning dieting pills, all the way to muscle-tingling pre-workouts. However, determining what supplement is healthy and what isn’t, is a challenge in itself. 

However, with Examine you can simply search for a product and be met with a plethora of results, all relating to the supplement in question.

Examine is a great example of personal training resources that places both your safety and that of your clients at the forefront of everything they do. 

Whilst conducting your investigation, you will receive a full breakdown of all the supplements:

  • Primary ingredients
  • Health benefits 
  • Potential concerns/risks 

Examine ultimately allows you to separate quality products from harmful ones. Not only will this benefit your health, but it will allow you to make safe recommendations for your clients.

The Best Personal Trainer Podcasts

Many view podcasts to be some of the most untapped personal training resources on the market today. 

Seasoned fitness experts will discuss their opinions on topics, share vital information, and interview key figures within the industry, all you have to do is listen.

Here are some personal training podcasts we’d personally recommend. 

#10 - Coffee and Coaching

coffee and coaching personal trainer resource

Also available on Spotify

As one of the best grassroots podcasts around, every personal trainer should be tuning into Coffee and Coaching. 

The two hosts, Isaac and Jack, debate and discuss all aspects of what it means to be a personal trainer in detailed, typically hour-long episodes. 

There's a fantastic informal rapport between the boys as they tackle issues that every personal trainer faces at some point in their career. 

Not only is this informative, but it will make you feel immersed in the discussion, decreasing the likelihood of you tuning out. 

A great asset to any aspiring or current personal trainer is to listen to and understand your peers, as soaking up a variety of thoughts and opinions will only help to enrich your work and nourish your mind.

The podcast often features standout interviews with experienced body transformation professionals in the fitness industry, who give their valuable takes on how to grow your business and manage clients.

#11 - The NASM-CPT Podcast with Rick Richey

NASM-CPT Personal Training Resource

Also Available on Spotify 

The NASM-CPT Podcast hosted by Rick Richey is ideal for personal trainers who seek guidance in order to establish their careers. 

Featuring a variety of episodes and content, you’re spoilt for choice on what you choose to listen to. 

For example, the ‘Do They Really Work?’ episodes break down different pieces of home gym equipment, before rating their effectiveness. 

Special episodes of the podcast will provide you with additional insight into gear that you could incorporate into your own business. 

We can also say that NASM-CPT is ideal for aspiring trainers looking to revise for qualifications such as their PT diploma

This is due to the fact that the series is jam-packed with scientifics knowledge regarding both theoretical and practical knowledge. This is all easily explained in digestible chunks, rather than a long-form lecture.

#12 - Certified Personal Trainer Podcast

Certified Personal Trainer resource podcast

Also Available on Spotify

The Certified Personal Trainer podcast is operated by Eddie Lester, a fitness veteran with serious credentials under his belt including 15 years of experience working as a PT. 

During each episode, Eddie offers advice and expertise with the length ranging from anywhere between 15-35 minutes. 

These short and digestible episodes make The Certified Personal Trainer podcast a must-have resource. 

You don’t even need to set time outside your day to them - simply pop an episode on during your commute or when you're cooking.

As a personal training resource, this podcast takes a rather unique approach and actually interviews current or aspiring PT’s. 

These guest speakers will then answer a variety of questions relating to the episode’s respective topic.

This helps to create a personal dynamic, as the other guests feel as if they are real individuals who are just like you.

#13 - The Online Trainer Show

The online personal trainer resource show podcast

Designed around customer care and business growth, the Online Trainer Show will guide you on how to maintain client retention levels, as your business grows.

The Online Trainer podcast has reportedly helped over 50,000 personal trainers and nutrition coaches expand and improve upon their businesses, meaning that it’s credentials as a personal training resource speaks for itself.

However, the main goal of the podcast is to help you succeed through hard work whilst also maintaining a healthy balance between your work and social life. 

This is an issue many PTs struggle with and could result in psychological and physical burnout.

No matter your preferred listening platform, you’ll be sure to find an online home that supports The Online Trainer Show as it’s live on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. 

#14 - Personal Trainer Daily

Personal Trainer Daily Resource Podcast

Also Available on Spotify

Personal trainers are often on a very busy schedule, as such, when it comes to personal training resources, some may require content they consume in a fast and timely manner. 

The Personal Trainer Daily podcast provides quick, straightforward answers to burning questions submitted by their listeners. 

Each episode lasts an average time of 5-7 minutes, meaning that you can easily fit it in around your day.

The topics covered by Personal Trainer Daily are widespread, covering an immense amount of detail without any unnecessary fluff.

What makes this personal training resource so beneficial is that you can even get in touch with host Chris, in order to submit your own questions. 

Pending approval, these will either be answered via a messaging service or through dedicated episodes of the podcast itself! 

This means you can take topics into your own hands and get exactly what you’re looking for by engaging with the host.

#15 - Lift the Bar

Lift The Bar Personal Training Podcast

Due to the sheer volume of topics surrounding the wider fitness industry, finding personal trainer resources that are all-encompassing can be somewhat of a challenge. However, the Lift the Bar podcast seemingly has an episode for everything.

By breaking their content down into categories, Lift the Bar helps you to find exactly what you’re looking for, be it:

It goes without saying that these highly organised categories help to strengthen what is an already incredibly beneficial personal training resource. 

We’d advise you to use the plethora of knowledge featured within Lift The Bar in order to establish a strong relationship with your clients. 

Following this, you can use advanced categories such as the episodes focused on Nutrition, to provide a service to your clients that will help you to stand out among your competitors.

#16 - The Fitness Entrepreneur

The Fitness Entrepreneur Personal Trainer Resource

Also Available on Spotify

As the name would suggest, The Fitness Entrepreneur is a personal training resource, which will teach you how to embrace an entrepreneurial spirit and earn more money from your coaching efforts. 

Featuring significant guest appearances, you can learn about business growth from people like TheFitnessChef, who managed to grow his Instagram page from 0 followers to well over a million. 

Advice from provenly successful experts seeks to inspire you and give you the drive required to get the best out of yourself and your business. 

Having a 4.9-star rating with over 260 ratings, it’s safe to say that The Fitness Entrepreneur is a highly popular personal training resource. 

Reliability is important when you decide to dedicate your time to a podcast, so having that guarantee of high quality is always a bonus. 

If you feel inspired and want to tackle entrepreneurship, click here for our article informing you on how you can start a fitness business from your own home

#17 - The Fitness and Lifestyle Podcast

The Fitness and Lifestyle Podcast PT Resource

Also Available on Spotify

As a personal trainer, balancing your personal life with a flourishing career can be intense at the best of times. You need to be able to manage these two in harmony, or else you’ll start to fail at both. 

The Fitness and Lifestyle podcast can help you to find strength in your personal life as well as your training. 

Ensuring that things don’t become too overwhelming to the point where they begin to affect your physical and mental wellbeing.

It’s so important to take rest days and spend quality time with those you hold dear. Even the most experienced trainers sometimes forget to do this, so it’s nice to have a personal training resource that provides this reminder.

The Fitness and Lifestyle podcast will teach you how to find this much-desired spare time, through the art of balancing work and social responsibilities. So, even if you take a few minutes of your day to listen to host Danny Kenndy, we promise that you’ll reap the rewards in the long run.

#18 - The Personal Trainer Mentor Academy Podcast

Resource for PT Academy

Also Available on Spotify

Last but not least, the Personal Trainer Mentor Academy is an interactive experience in which trainers can get advice from the very best in the business.

When it comes to personal training resources, The Personal Trainer Mentor Academy Podcast only seeks to highlight vital pieces of information. 

This is why their Q&A portions of each episode are so popular, as they provide their listeners with the exact information they desire. 

This is an incredibly useful personal trainer resource, one of which we highly suggest incorporating into your everyday practice. 

Just from casually listening you will receive a spectrum of opinions and theories, all of which are relevant to both your and your peers’ experience within the fitness industry.

You can also submit your own questions to The Personal Trainer Mentor Academy Podcast too, which is fantastic if you’re struggling with a specific issue. 

If answered, you will receive the exact information or guidance you require, whilst also becoming embedded within the wider listening community.


If you’re enjoying learning about all of these essential personal trainer resources, check out these helpful articles:

The Best Personal Trainer Books 

If you’re somewhat of a traditionalist, or just an avid reader, books may be the best personal training resources for you.

We have attempted to curate a list of personal training books of all price ranges, all of which span different topics and should appeal to everyone.

#19 - Functional Training and Beyond 

Personal Training Resource and Beyond

Author: Adam Sinicki 

Price: £12.66

Adam Sinicki has written a book designed with the specific intention of elevating your training quality. Functional Training and Beyond describes in great detail how to train your body and mind to push past their limitations, and increase their respective strengths.

When it comes to your body, Sinicki describes in precise detail how exactly you can enhance your training, in order to improve your mobility and reduce pain caused by delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

Even as a professional trainer, you can always find ways to improve on more niche exercises, meaning that Functional Training and Beyond is still definitely worth a read.

Many aspiring personal trainers who have recently qualified with their PT Diploma often fail to take in the emotional toll this role can have. 

But managing and training a large group of clients takes an immense amount of emotional strength and willpower. 

This is exactly why Functional Training and Beyond also dedicates time to teaching you ways to improve your mental health too. 

This makes it arguably one of the most valuable personal trainer resources to appear on our list.

#20 - PT 101: 101 Lessons for Fresh Faced Personal Trainers

PT 101 Resource for personal trainers

Author: Oli Smallwood 

Price: £11.97

PT 101 is a must-have personal training resource, for any newly qualified and looking to learn the very basic fundamentals of the job role.

The book covers topics such as:

  • How to sell yourself 
  • Potential pitfalls and how to avoid them 
  • How to approach specific clients 
  • How to establish yourself within the industry

You can learn a lot from this one personal training resource, and it can arguably set you up for the rest of your career. 

All of these topics are issues and challenges that every trainer will face at some point in their career. By reading about these situations ahead of time, newly qualified individuals can get ahead and put vital skills under their belt.  

PT 101 also offers great advice relating to ensuring longevity within the financial industry. It can be fairly easy to get a few clients, but the real challenge comes in growing your business consistently, at which point you’ll need this personal trainer resources assistance. 

Ultimately, PT 101 can help you to establish a sustainable business that will generate income over a long time, helping you to provide for yourself, proving to be a great personal trainer resource.

#21 - The Complete Guide to Personal Training: 2nd Edition

Personal Training Resource Guide

Author: Morc Coulson

Price: £21.85

Every personal trainer knows how frustrating it can be when you hit a drought in terms of exercise variety. 

Clients can quickly become bored, or may simply not respond well to certain types of exercise, which is why it’s important to use personal training resources to keep training fresh.

With The Complete Guide to Personal Training, you have access to a huge range of tips and advice that can help you diversify training regimes for a variety of clients to help you stay on the ball.

This includes:

  • Revision knowledge relating to the Level 3 Personal training courses
  • Practical tips for designing a client's workout program 
  • How to sustain your business financially
  • Nutrition tips 
  • Health and safety recommendations when working with clients
  • How to market yourself as a trainer

Therefore, we can say that without question The Complete Guide to Personal Training is a resource with great use and potential to your career. 

#22 - Advanced Personal Training: Science to Practice

Advanced Personal Training resource

Author: Paul Hough

Price: £38.99

When questioning ‘what makes a good personal trainer?’, many claim that advanced scientific knowledge on health and fitness is a primary determining factor.

With Advanced Personal Training, you can read up on a variety of topics relating to general health and fitness. 

Whilst these topics do use a lot of scientific terminologies, they aren’t too complicated to understand.

However, for the topics that are truly complex, author Paul Hough provides a detailed analysis, which breaks down understandable chunks. 

This factor makes Advanced Personal Training a valuable resource to have, as it makes knowledge accessible for all. 

Regardless of skill level or industry-based experience, every PT will be able to read this information and relay it to their clients.

So, whether you’re just earning your personal training qualification or are a seasoned veteran, be sure to pick up Advanced Personal Training in order to develop your understanding of the science behind health and fitness. 

#23 - Personal Training: Theory and Practice

Resource for Personal Training Theory and Practice

Author: James Crossley

Price: £46.99

Personal Training: Theory and Practice by James Crossley, features 288 pages of essential knowledge and advice, that all PT’s regardless of their experience need to read. 

By spanning a wide range of topics, you can find everything in this personal trainer resource, from the fundamentals of applied exercises all the way to understanding the psychology of behavioural changes in clients.

The Amazon list for this particular book notes its key features to be:

  • Reflects the advances in training methodology techniques in line with requirements for professional qualification
  • Key points boxes, chapter summaries and a glossary of scientific and technical concepts to aid understanding
  • Full colour illustrations and photos to support visual learning
  • Case studies and sample exercise plans to help you put theory into practice

As the title suggests, there’s a fantastic blend of theory and practice to be digested within these personal trainer resources, giving you access to knowledge from all areas of the personal training profession. 

As mentioned within the key features, you can also find extensive case studies within Crossley’s work. 

All of these qualities strive to deepen your understanding of theory and practice, whether you’re a professional trainer or are currently studying to earn your qualifications. 

Finally, with the full-colour pictures and illustrations, you can also visualise the theory to understand the demonstrated techniques more thoroughly, helping you with both the scientific background and the practical application of a variety of exercises.

#24 - Stronger: Changing Everything I Knew About Women’s Strength

Stronger female personal trainer resource

Author: Poorna Bell

Price: £11.63

Stronger is a personal trainer resource that is invaluable to anyone with a diversified group of clients under their wing. 

Written by power-lifter Poorna Bell, the book delves into the secrets of unlocking your inner strength regardless of race, gender or background.

As a trainer, you need to push your clients to the max so that they can reach their full potential and achieve their goals, but not everyone fits under one umbrella. This means that you have to adapt your training technique in order to be suitable for specific clients. 

Stronger, will help you to understand and appreciate the different obstacles that all types of people may face in life and within the world of fitness. 

Understanding this is the key to individualising your training regimes for individual clients and adapting your training techniques to best fit the needs of any person you find under your tutelage. 

At OriGym, we have recently explored a similar topic in our article on The Gym-Intimidation Report - Exploring Gender Experiences at the Gym.

#25 - NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training

Personal Fitness Training Resource

Author: The National Academy of Sports Medicine 

Price: £57.99

For decades now, the National Academy of Sports Medicine has been a defining voice for up-and-coming trainers to learn from. 

After providing countless personal trainer resources, their book NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training remains unmatched.

With a whopping 720-page, this 7th edition essential guide to personal training, will help you to elevate yourself and your career to unprecedented levels.

As a personal trainer resource, the NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training provides a litany of scenarios both real-world and hypothetical. 

This teaches you how to adequately handle these scenarios should they ever arise, whilst also acting as preparation for potential PT diploma qualifying exams.

By offering key insight into a variety of specialisations, there’s nowhere else that provides this level of detail when it comes to personal training resources.

So, no matter what area of personal training you want to specialise in, this book is perfect for getting your base level qualification or adding more qualifications to your ever-growing portfolio of training skills.

#26 - Ignite the Fire: The Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training Career

Ignite the fire resource for personal trainers

Author: Jonathan Goodman

Price: £14.99

This newly revised version of Ignite the Fire will give you all the essential help you need to build your personal training business. 

This personal training resource explicitly teaches you how to build and manage your clientele from the ground up, with a primary focus on learning how to get more clients.

By reading Ignite the Fire, you can also learn how to build and maintain a key quality as a personal trainer- your reputation.

Word of mouth is everything in this business, and you need to ensure that people talk about you positively to maximise your potential client pool. If you have a reputation of being disengaged and lethargic, then it’s far less likely that you’ll grow your business.

#27 - Building A Personal Training Business: The 5 x 5 Rule

5x5 rule a resource for personal training

Author: Chris Knott

Price: £13.99

If you find the physical aspects of personal training to be a breeze but you could use a hand with all things business management, then the 5 x 5 Rule is the ideal personal training resource for you. 

The 5x5 Rule will guide you in a variety of ways that you might not have considered essential before undertaking your career as a coach. 

For example, the book will help you to calculate your profits and losses in an easy, digestible way. Whilst also spanning topics such as:

  • The Importance of Financial Diligence
  • Business Periodisation 
  • Why Quarterly Targets With Both Earnings and Self Development are Essential

The topics are easy to overlook for newcomers, but charting your profit margin each month is a great way to manage your spending and help you to more efficiently plan your schedule in accordance with your desired income. 

The Best Personal Training Software

Personal training softwares are incredibly valuable resources to have at your disposal, and can make nearly every aspect of your career easier to manage.

Here are a few that we would personally recommend for using as personal training resources. 

#28 - My PT Hub

MY PT Hub Resource

If you’re looking for marketing software, then My PT Hub is a great place to start. This service gives you the ability to create your own website and market yourself online, with the assistance of a variety of helpful tools.

My PT Hub is specifically designed with training in mind. Therefore, you can use this personal training resource to help jumpstart your business, through easy-to-use marketing templates.

This feature will help you to learn more about:

  • How to market for your specific demographic 
  • Where to market 
  • And how to create personalised PT packages

The advertising on My PT Hub is automated, meaning that all you need to do is add in a few key details and the software will promote your business itself, across the entire internet. 

By creating ad campaigns the way you want to without having to constantly manage them, you will have time to focus on working with your clients.

#29 - 12 Handz

#29 12 Handz PT Resource

Perhaps the main draw of 12 Handz as a piece of marketing software is that with a subscription, you gain access to full support with a personal marketing expert to help you guide your business in the best direction.

This particular personal training resource allows you to follow a preconstructed marketing plan that your expert will go through with you. 

Alternatively, you can create your own customised marketing strategy with sharp advice and guidance from said expert.

For a small additional fee, you can also actually shift any marketing upkeep responsibilities you may have onto your expert to help you with running your business more passively. 

This means you’ll have more time to focus on other business imperatives, and let your marketing practically run itself.

#30 - Wix

#30 Wix use for Personal Training Resource

Wix is a fantastic website-building software, which you can use as a personal trainer resource in order to create an online presence for your personal training business.

As discussed earlier in the article, personal training websites can be greatly beneficial for:

  • Ensuring clients have all your relevant contact information
  • Display personal training testimonials from existing/past clients
  • Linking to your social media pages
  • Creating a blog to keep clients and fans up to date

Using Wix also gives you total freedom to create the exact website you want. With a variety of creation tools, you can be sure to create a unique brand identity that clients instantly recognise and associate with you. 

With this personal training resource, you can even alter the website on your phone, meaning that you can also take your work on the go. 

Diversifying your website with the wide array of tools that Wix provides is a great way to represent yourself and elevate your professional appearance, so make sure you take advantage of this personal trainer resource. 

#31 - Monday CRM

#31 Monday CRM

Assembling and organising clients can often be a tedious and repetitive task when you could otherwise be using your time more effectively. But with Monday, CRM organisation has never been easier. 

With Monday CRM client management software, you can automate the process of engaging with clients. 

By easily categorising your trainees, you can schedule automated messages and instructions at your leisure. 

These messages could include: 

  • Reminders of when their next session is 
  • Specified meal plans
  • Words of motivation to reach their current goals 
  • Keep group training sessions up to date with relevant information

With this personal trainer resource, you can massage your clients at once, removing the need to individually contact each and everyone in your contact list.

There are also a variety of other tasks that you can use Monday CRM for, including:

  • Customer onboarding 
  • Marketing activities 
  • Sales management 

Therefore, we can confidently say that this is a personal training resource that all busy trainers should be incorporating into their practice. 

#32 - Live Career CV Creator

#32 LiveCareer Personal Training Resource

The key to attracting employer attention as a personal trainer, or indeed any occupation, is to have a standout CV that fully represents you and your unique skill set. 

With a Live Creator CV Creator software, you can represent yourself to your best ability. Get started with this creation process right away by choosing from a range of stylish templates to find a look that speaks to you.

The templates to feature within Live Career CV Creator also offer helpful pointers on sections of your CV that could be improved, informing you on aspects such as what sections lack detail.

This particular personal trainer resource can stop you from straying into irrelevant information and keep your CV airtight and efficient. 

Another benefit of having a solid personal training CV at your back is that it gives you confidence in your abilities. 

Just by jotting down your unique skills, you can remind yourself of what you’re capable of, giving you an essential boost in confidence that’ll surely shine through in your teaching. 

#33 - True Coach

True coach personal trainer resource

True Coach is classified as a jack of all trades type of software and allows you to connect your own business to gym facilities. 

Simply connect to this personal training resource and you can work directly from cooperating locations, allowing you to schedule sessions and book spaces on the fly.

True Coach is also a great example of personal training resources that are specifically optimised for creating exercise guides. With this particular software you can effortlessly create:

  • Exercise guides
  • Set daily/weekly/monthly goals for clients
  • Monitor the progress of clients 

True Coach is also a great personal training resource for streamlining your work while you train multiple clients at once.

This is due to the fact that the software can be used to create multiple accessible training schemes which clients of differing abilities can visit. So, even when you’re away from your clients you can still set their work to do of their own accord.

#34 - NPTE Exam Prep

NPTE Resource for Personal trainer Revision

Even as a qualified, fully professional trainer, it’s important to keep your mind sharp, as your attained knowledge has a direct impact on your skills and performance at work.

That’s why NPTE Exam Prep software is a great solution to help with revision that you may be struggling to keep within your memory.

By regularly practising exam questions you face throughout your personal training qualification, you’ll stay on the ball and increase your chance of graduating with flying colours. 

For example, when using NPTE Exam Prep you can develop a better understanding of the human body. 

You can then utilise the knowledge acquired by personal training resources to incorporate niche exercises and movements into your training sessions.

You can also use this personal trainer resource to create your own custom test, which will specifically improve areas you or your clients may be struggling to grasp. 

By targeting areas in which you’re weak, you can effectively become a better personal trainer.

#35 - Quicken

#35 Quicken pt resource

Being a personal trainer means being an independent business owner, so it’s down to you to manage your finances and spending. 

Thankfully, Quicken is a personal trainer resource that can assist everybody, regardless of how much financial experience you have.

Doing this manually can be extremely time-consuming, when you could otherwise be doing something more productive, which would better benefit your clients.

However, by using Quicken, you can streamline your administrative work and give yourself a clear oversight of the spending and earnings that relate to your business. 

When it comes to personal trainer resources Quicken also includes the ability to create income and expense categories. 

This will allow you to see what aspects of your business you can spend more money on, whilst learning how to cut down on some expenses in order to make profit. 

Another perk of using Quicken is that you can access and modify your finances on the app, which is available on both iOS and Android. This means that you can take your work on the go, ensuring that you never miss a single update.

#36 - Asana

#36 Asana

Scheduling and timekeeping are some of the most vital components of becoming a professional personal trainer. 

Losing track of time or being disorganised in any capacity will result in clients dropping you in favour of another PT. 

However, with Asana, you’ll be able to keep track of time in an easy and efficient manner. Standout features of Asana include:

  • Create time managing schedules for your day, week, month
  • Set yourself time-dependent goals on the calendar feature 
  • Feedback on how well you stick to your working schedule

Your schedule will be displayed through easy-to-read charts, which will provide clarity on how you can use time more efficiently. 

As mentioned above, another great feature of this personal training resource is that you can set yourself time-dependent goals. Asana will even send you regular updates on when said goal is approaching its deadline. 

Asana’s built-in calendar also highlights your goals in order to keep you chasing objectives and stop you from lapsing.

This personal training resource also provides reports on how well you have stuck to your schedule so that you can iron out any moments of wasted time effectively, as the report shows you where you may have misstepped. 

The Best Online Courses for Personal Trainers

Earning further qualifications is another way of strengthening your reputation as a trainer. You don’t even have to attend actual in-person seminars to do so, as all of the certifications to feature within this section can be completed online.

#37 - Origym Online PT Course

Personal Trainer Course

Price: £999.00

OriGym’s Online PT Course is perfect for trainers with aspirations of higher qualifications.

Firstly, to undertake this course you’ll need to already be in possession of a Level 2 fitness instructing certificate, and must be over the age of 16. 

With that out the way, taking this course will be one of the best career moves you could take. 

Don't believe us? You can take a look at over 1000 Trustpilot reviews ranking all of our courses as ‘excellent’.

If that wasn’t enough, our Online Personal Training course has also been regulated by Ofqual and recognised by CIMSPA. These factors signify our course to be one of the highest industry standards. 

Upon completing this course you will learn from industry-leading experts, who will assist you in acquiring the necessary abilities to teach a diverse group of clients. 

These potential client pool groups include:

  • Children 
  • The elderly 
  • Those with physical and mental disabilities

On average, our Online Personal Training course takes 10 weeks to complete. But the best part is that you study at your own pace, meaning there is no set time limit, you can graduate whenever you so wish.

To be precise this qualification includes the following modules:

  • Basic and Advanced Anatomy Physiology
  • Application of Nutrition to a Client's Programme
  • Principles of Exercise and Health
  • How to Design and Implement Bespoke Programmes for a Wide Variety of Goals

In terms of pricing, you can take advantage of this personal training resource with a price of £999.00. All of this can be paid in affordable monthly installments, with the option of a 0% finance scheme should you need.

When it comes to personal trainer resources, knowledge is your greatest asset. So, be sure to start your career off right with great qualifications.

#38 - Origym Sports Nutrition Course

PT Nutrition

Price: £999.00

However, if you’re already a qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer, you can advance your practice with specialised qualification. Here we have chosen to highlight our own Level 4 Sports Nutrition Course.

Understanding the complexities of different diets, and how they benefit specific individuals, can separate a good trainer from a great one. 

Specialised qualifications can also help you to stand out among your competitors, whilst diversifying your skillset. 

With a specialist qualification on your CV you can provide your clients with advice and training, which they otherwise may not have been able to receive. 

This course can also be completed entirely online at your own pace. Meaning that if you have prior obligations, you needn’t rush into completing your certification.

Our Sports Nutrition Course will cover the following modules:

  • Macros and Micros
  • Understand Nutrition Legislation
  • Understand the Relationship Between Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Nutritionist Specialist Knowledge

This course generally takes 12 weeks to complete, so you’ll have this diversified qualification under your belt before you know it, all for a cost of £999, with no hidden costs and unlimited exam resits, so you’re bound to pass eventually!

Alternatively, click here to learn more about how to become a sports nutritionist.

#39 - Shaw Academy Alternative and Holistic Therapies Course

Another PT Resource

Price: £49.99 a month

By taking Shaw Academy’s Alternative and Holistic Therapies Course, you’ll come to understand a great deal more about the body than if you exclusively studied anatomy.

This personal training resource will help to diversify both your knowledge and your CV, as you delve into the 16-week course. 

Throughout this time, you’ll undertake studies in courses that include: 

  • Aromatherapy
  • Reiki 
  • Reflexology 

All of these will be completed as part of 4 modules, totalling a substantial 32 lessons.

Having the skills provided by this course will help you to balance both body and mind by learning about how taking care of your physical and mental self contributes to overall wellness. 

Upon completion, you’ll also gain an in-depth knowledge of acupuncture and pressure-point therapy. 

Both of these qualifications can open the door for you to perform additional services and diversify your personal training business. 

In terms of personal trainer resources, having more skills to offer your clients is always the best option for your business long term. So be sure to acquire as many unique skills as possible.

#40 - British Red Cross First Aid Courses

British Red Cross

Prices: Vary depending on course 

Being a personal trainer means that you have a degree of responsibility when it comes to looking after your clients and ensuring their safety. 

Any number of accidents or health-related issues can occur during strenuous activity. Therefore, you need to be prepared to administer the proper assistance should the time ever come.

That's where the British Red Cross first aid courses come in. There are plenty of courses you can check out, but ideally you should become qualified in those within the ‘sports’ category.

Here, you’ll find a variety of first aid courses that’ll help clients have faith and confidence in you.

You can find courses like general injury aid which will inform you on how to properly use AED defibrillators.

The courses are all relatively short, too. They range from an hour to a day, so you could potentially fill up your week with a wide array of life-saving lessons.

#41 - Royal Life Saving Society Lifeguard Courses

lfie saving PT Resource

Price: Range dependant on course and location

As we have stated at length throughout this article, you should use any and all personal training resources at your disposal in order to diversify your CV. 

With The Royal LifeSaving Society’s Lifeguard Course you can extend your practice out of the gym and into the pool.

The 3 courses you can choose from include becoming a pool guard, open water guard or a beach guard. 

Having the assurance of any of these qualifications will allow you to train your clients differently, whether they wish to heighten their stamina with long swims for triathlon distance training, or improve their flexibility with water aerobics.

If you’re considering one of these courses, there are some basic entry level requirements you’d need to meet such as:

  • Jump/dive into deep water
  • Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds
  • Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water
  • Tread water for 30 seconds
  • Surface dive to the floor of the pool
  • Climb out unaided without ladder/steps and where the pool design permits

Completing these courses will also mean you’ll become qualified in basic first aid and CPR training, which is applicable to any accident scene. 

The pricing and time to complete these courses are variable depending on your local course centre. So head onto the website and find out more details and find the course that works for you.

#42 - Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing PT Resource

Price: Free

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing is a beginner-level course, which will be of great help when developing your career with basic online marketing.

Perhaps the best aspects of this course are that it:

  • Costs nothing
  • Features 26 Modules
  • Has over 40 hours worth of content 

All of this means that you can take your time with the course, in order to ensure you qualify as and when you’re ready. 

With a recognised certification, you can show off your new qualification on LinkedIn or your CV as another notch on your belt, something which is sure to impress potential employers and/or clients. 

The modules included on the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Course include everything from ‘build your web presence’ to ‘get started with content marketing’, covering all the essential bases you’ll need to establish yourself online. 

Free personal training resources like this are difficult to find, so be sure to take full advantage of them, in order to improve your CV. 

#43 - Udemy Branding Strategy for Small Business Course

Umedy PT Resource

Price: £49.99

When it comes to attracting new clients, branding is everything. You could be a highly qualified individual, but could lose out on clients if you fail to sell yourself effectively.

With Udemy Branding Strategy for Small Businesses, you can learn to focus on branding your skills, in order to ensure that your personality shines through in everything you do.

Through this course, you'll also be taught how to build consistent brand awareness and define your target audience and efficiently appeal to them directly.

The course features 5 modules totaling a breezy 44 minutes of jam-packed content that you get to keep for life. 

Costing just £49.99, you certainly get the bang for your buck, especially since you earn a notable certificate at the end of your training. 

Finding your voice in advertising yourself is key to establishing your own personal brand. This personal trainer resource is just the beginning of developing your brand, so be sure to take these invaluable lessons on board.

If you’re an online PT looking for more advice on brand awareness, click here for our advice on how to get more online personal training clients.

#44 - The Money Course

Money Resource for PT

Price: Free

With The Money Course, you’ll learn to balance your spending and manage a budget under strict guidance. This is an essential skill for all PTs to have, in order to keep your business afloat. 

During your enrollment process, you have the option of a self-led course or a live online class.

This allows you to either jump into an ongoing class with other students or to work alone to your own schedule. 

Regardless of which study pathway you choose, all the content remains the same, the only difference is how you choose to learn.

The Money Course specifically delves into the intricacies of how to save money and reduce stress, streamlining your financial life so that it’s less of a burden.

Across 6 informative sessions, you’ll learn to manage your income with the help of great tools and resources such as the Budget Builder app and a Money Fitness plan, designed to help you visualise your spending to help you keep on top of it. 

At the end of the course, you can consult with a trained budget coach to iron out any burning questions you may still have. 

Following this meeting, they will send you off with a tailored plan, and an abundance of newly acquired financial knowledge.

#45 - Future Learn Social Media Course

Digital marketing course for PT

Price: Free

Future Learn offers a free Social Media online course, which will teach you the art of navigating and optimising social media for your small PT business. 

In a digital world, you need to understand what it takes to stand out and be confident in your abilities to successfully manage your online profile.

Taking place over a 2-week period, you’ll be taken through useful classes such as ‘finding your target group’ and especially ‘the importance of performance measurement’. 

From this, you will learn how to read data that tracks the performance of your business' social media account. 

This is extremely important when considering how to grow online, furthermore, this course will also teach you what these metrics show and how to improve the results.

Even better yet, there is no time limit on the Future Learn Social Media course, you can even check into classes at your own leisure, so be sure to make use of this personal trainer resource and take social media by storm.

Before You Go!

Following our list of personal trainer resources, we hope that you have found a plethora of mediums which will both expand your knowledge, and increase your love of fitness. 

Be sure to try as many personal training resources as possible, as you could potentially be overlooking the thing that will help your business grow the most.

Remember to check out our specialist personal trainer resources such as the Level 4 Advanced Sports Nutrition Course. Once enrolled, you’ll learn from industry-leading experts, who are on hand to ensure you pass the first time around.

Download our free prospectus where you can learn more about all of the courses OriGym has to offer.


Become the Ultimate Personal Trainer

Combine nutrition advice with tailored fitness programmes with our Level 4 Sports Nutrition Course!

Written by Emily Evans

Content Writer & Fitness Enthusiast

Emily studied English Language and Literature at the University of Sheffield, graduating in 2021 with a 2:1 BA honours degree. Alongside her degree, she also gained experience in student publication as Forge Press’ Lifestyle Editor and Deputy Editor for Post-Production. This is where her love for content writing stemmed from, which also led her to OriGym. Outside of her work, Emily will either be found on a long hike, at the gym or making a mess trying new healthy recipes in her kitchen!

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